Recruitment process
Finding the perfect job is a bit like finding the perfect car: you’ve got to try it out for size. Our recruitment process gives both you and Motorpoint the chance to find out if we’re the right fit for each other.

Step 1
Bam! Your application lands in our recruitment system
A fair and unbiased process is very important to us. So, your application will be anonymised so we can only see your experience. That way, there’ll be no unconscious bias when it comes to selecting amazing talent. And because diversity’s crucial too, you’ll complete an anonymous equal opportunities form so we can check that we’re attracting all kinds of great people.

Step 2
Our brilliant resourcing team will contact you via phone, email or text and arrange a chat. We know finding time to talk isn’t always easy, so we’ll do our best to schedule a slot that suits you.

Step 3
After screening
When you talk to our resourcing team, you’ll tell us about yourself and we’ll do vice versa. Then, the team will share your details with our brilliant managers and talk through your experience. Privacy and fairness are always our watchwords, so your details will stay anonymous throughout the process.

Step 4
After shortlist
If you’re successful, we’ll get in touch to arrange an interview. This could be face-to-face or online depending on which team you’ve applied to. Our resourcing team will tell you exactly what to expect and the format of the interview. They will also arrange any reasonable adjustments so that you’re comfortable.

Step 5
If you don’t get shortlisted
Not everyone makes it the interview stage, but it’s not the end of the world. Who knows? There might be another opportunity for you with us in the future. We will keep your details on file in case something else comes up, but it’s a good idea to keep an eye on our vacancies too.

Step 6
After your interview
We know interviews can be nerve-wracking and you’ll want to know how you did. We’ll let you know as soon as possible – the interviewers will tell you how long this is likely to take. Whatever the decision, you’ll get detailed feedback. If you’re successful, it’ll be time for the second stage.

Step 7
Second stage
Your second stage interview will depend on your role. For example, we may ask you to come and meet the team and get to grips with your job. For HQ or senior roles, you may have to give a presentation or do a skills-based assessment with our partner, Thomas International Testing. The resourcing team will make sure you understand the arrangements and answer any questions that you may have.

Step 8
Your offer
Woo-hoo! You’ve been hired – it’s time to celebrate! Our team will give you a call to give you the amazing news. They’ll also send you your contract and explain what happens next: a thorough induction and a warm Motorpoint welcome on board.